
Friday, July 23, 2010

Uses of Power Point Presentations in the classroom

Using the power point program as an aid to a presentation assists teachers remembering the areas of importance, or the key sentences that they have researched and, as a result, allows teachers to get their message across to the audience more clearly. Main points can be emphasized and the presentation itself can be enhanced by using graphics, animation, or sound to make it attractive to your audience and keeps students engaged. It also can add a flair to presentations with slide and bullet transitions and animated effects. Presentations can be used to make lessons more organized and flexible.
The text on a PowerPoint presentation is much easier for students to read than trying to read notes that are written on an overhead projector or chalkboard. Student interest can be stimulated through the use of graphics and cartoons, this helps them to relate to the message you are tiring to get across. Good productive pedagogy allows variety and this is the key to keeping the attention of students, as a result power point tools are available for use and a very flexible, so experiment to see what works best for you and your students.

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