
Sunday, July 25, 2010

How does DOL relate to my teaching discipline area

In my teaching area of Design Technology and Industrial Processes it is important for students to stay up with the ever changing technology. Students are encourage to use ICT by the means of web sites to conduct their initial research of products they wish to manufacture. They have all information they require at their finger tips. This allows the students to produce their design analysis to start the invention process, it gives students confidence that they have achieved something by their own research. The teacher is more of a facilitator guiding the students and assisting them on their learning journey, encouraging students to make decisions. Out of the five Dimensions in the field of Design Technology and Industrial Processes I would say;
DOL 1: Attitudes and Perceptions pay an important role, giving the students the opportunity to have the best learning environment and tools for them to complete their assignments.
DOL 2: Acquire and Integrate Knowledge this allows students declarative and the procedural knowledge the understanding of knowing? (declarative) e.g. why we use certain timbers for different jobs and the practical side of the doing. (procedural) e.g. demonstrating the types of timber joinery.
DOL 4: Use Knowledge Meaningfully pays a very important part for this covers in the Dimensions of Learning model, there are six reasoning processes around which tasks can be constructed to encourage the meaningful use of knowledge:
•Decision making
•Problem solving
•Experimental inquiry
•Systems analysis
DOL 5: Productive Habits of Mind
The most effective learners have developed powerful habits of mind that enable them to think critically, think creatively, and regulate their behavior.


Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J. (with Arredondo, D. E., Blackburn, G. J., Brandt, R. S., ... Whistler, J. S.). (2006). Dimensions of learning teacher’s manual (2nd ed). Heatherton, Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education

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