
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Learning Styles

Hi fellow Lifelong learners

As you can see from my Memletic learning style graph that I am quite even across all areas of the web. However, I am 5% stronger as a social learner. That means I would most probably learn best in a collaborative environment. So therefore, as a Learning Manager it is important to note that other people have different strengths in the way they learn and absorb information. As teachers it is very important that we met the needs of students learning style to ensure they stay engaged with their learning journey. This is where ICT can play an important part in catering for all types of learners, whether being visual, logical or any other styles seen on the web graph. For example, mobile phones are a great source of ICT ,by interacting and engaging students with dictation by the means of text messaging or even spelling test using SMS. All this technology is cool for children to use, therefore it is engaging.

Style Scores
Logical 16
Solitary 14
Visual 16
Social 19
Physical 16
Aural 12
Verbal 11

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