
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Video Podcast

Podcast can be created from original material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use.
Creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiences. It provides them with a world-wide audience that makes learning meaningful and assessment authentic. Teachers can use the technology to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at a time that suits them. The flexibility that such time-shifting offers makes podcasting a valuable educational tool.
Allowing such podcast as the one I have selected for may classroom gives students first hand knowledge from professional woodworking craftsman, it give students first hand techniques. It also helps students to be engaged with master craftsman and inspires them to produce quality work.

Please click on the web link below to see how Podcast or Youtube can be used in the classroom:


  1. Hey Ash,
    I agree, digital videos and pod casts have the potential to be very effective as a method of encouraging learners to extend themselves to a higher standard in order to please an audience. I think that the fact that it is such a flexible and easily accessible option makes it a particularly viable option. Examining professionals a work is ideal for learners who are aiming to move towards trades as it gives them an insight into the standard they will be required to develop as a professional. The fact that it provides alternative technique demonstration to just the teachers is also important as each individual will essentially develop their own preferred method of working most suitable. Incorporating these video demonstrations exposes learners to a variety of specialist and alternative techniques and methods they may not otherwise encounter, potentially improving inclusivity.

  2. Hello Ash,
    You are right. Especially, digital videos can show students more information about a topic. Since videos are visual images, they have an impact of learning. Probably, in your teaching area, students can develop their understanding on professional techniques by engaging learning through watching videos.

  3. Hi Sayoko

    Thanks for your comments. I have seen students get really engaged and have that "WOW" factor when they see professionals at work. It gives them more inspiration to produce some excellent work...


  4. Hi Cameron
    In Design Technology, after watching professional trades people at work on a video, using different methods, students generally have a discussion on the techniques used and how best they are applied. It will never beat actual hands on experience, but as you said it does give them an insight of how of alternative methods can be used, as a result, the students can relate to the techniques to their own previous methods taught in other lessons and utilise the on the next task.



  5. Hi Ash
    I totally agree digital videos are great in the classroom and really strike the 'WOW' factor with learners. I really like your idea of showing learners digital videos of professionals at work. It would be very useful especially in remote areas were professions in particular skills are scarce.
